A free or very low cost bus for the Frome villages to the Schools in Frome, particularly the middle schools and college where there isn't a nearer alternative and children would be able to travel independently. Currently if you live less then 5 miles from school parents have to pay for transport or drive. For example Beckington is not within walking distance or a safe cycle route and is around 4.8 miles out. Travelling by bus would reduce the number of cars taking the same route twice a day.
Reduce cars on the road, congestion around the school gates.
Thanks for feeding in this idea and comments Hayley! I assume you're feeding into the LCWIP discussions too? They're definitely a good place to take this suggestion too - reach out to Emma Parker at Frome Town Council if you haven't already!
This is a great idea- my children attend Upton Noble school and the council put on buses for surrounding villages and its brilliant- I don't see wy this couldn't be done in more villages
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